Our Services
Ambulances usually have a capacity of 5 to 6 people, including the patient. There is also oxygen supply and the oxygen for the patient is rented at home. But, for AC and oxygen need to be reported to the MICU ambulance authorities in advance. M Ambulance has advanced life support ambulances and cardiac support ambulances with fulltime doctors, Sisters / Brothers, technicians equipped for emergency and cardiac patients. For transport corpses M ambulance has multiple corpse freezing car.

Emergency ambulance services
Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Also Known As Ambulance Services or Paramedic Services, Are Emergency Services Which Treat Lllnesses And Injuries That Require An Urgent Medical Response, Providing Out-of-Hospital Treatment And Transport To Definitive Care.

Life Support (ICU) Ambulance
A coronary care unit (CCU) or cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) ambulance is a hospital ward specialized in the care of patients with heart attacks, unstable angina, cardiac dysrhythmia and (in practice) various other cardiac conditions that require continuous monitoring and treatment.

Neonatal Transport Services are a vital part of care for premature and sick babies, to ensure that babies can be moved quickly for the right care in the right place for their needs. First Care Ambulance provides incubator transport for new-born and premature infants

Cardiac Support (CCU) Ambulance
Emergency medical services (EMS), also known as ambulance services or paramedic services, are emergency services which treat illnesses and injuries that require an urgent medical response, providing out-of-hospital treatment and transport to definitive care. … This is most likely an emergency department of a hospital

Freezing Ambulance Service
A freezer ambulance is a dead body carrier ambulance. It has freeze box in it. The freezer ambulance can intact the dead body several hours and days. People who wants to keep their relatives dead body intact or free from germs or viruses for several hours or several days, they can rent our freezer ambulance.

P ICU Support
This protocol is intended for use when transferring children and young people from Gateshead Children’s Short Stay Assessment Unit (CSSAU) and Gateshead Emergency Department to any hospital with inpatient provision.

Microbus / Private Services
Private Service means the collection of refuse and waste by the Contractor from Customers, pursuant to separate agreements or arrangements between a Customer and the Contractor

Air Ambulance Service
Our long experience in international medical repatriation also means we can provide a fast response in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We also handle the entire journey, giving you a single point of contact.

Monthly Ambulance Rentals Are Leased To The Office / Company
This protocol is intended for use when transferring children and young people from Gateshead Children’s Short Stay Assessment Unit (CSSAU) and Gateshead Emergency Department to any hospital with inpatient provision.

Corporate Ambulance Service
You may not be aware that when you use the ambulance service properly, you are helping to save lives of others.

Monthly Contract Car / ASmbulance Rentals Are Leased To The Office / Company
We have all kinds of modern car for rent in emergency patient transportation or hourly, daily or monthly basis rent.

Monthly Contract Car Rentals Are Leased To The Office / Company
We have all kinds of modern car for rent in emergency patient transportation or hourly, daily or monthly basis rent.